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作者:Simwe    来源:    发布时间:2008-08-27    收藏】 【打印】  复制连接  【 】 我来说两句:(0逛逛论坛











    机 场:乘机场巴士05号线,在中关村终点站下车。











    9:00—9:30: 主讲人:唐志平,中国科技大学


    9:30—10:00 主讲人:朱焕春,ITASCA公司


    10:00—10:15 休息

    10:15—10:45 主讲人:徐泳,中国农业大学


    10:45—11:15 主讲人:李世海,中国科学院力学研究所


    11:15—12:00 自由讨论


    2:00—5:00: 自由讨论

    题 目:DM2离散元方法、应用和多尺度模拟思考


    提 要:

    离散元方法是近年来国际上出现的几种新概念数值模拟方法之一。本文探讨了DM2(Discrete Meso-element Dynamic Method)三维离散元理论模型,推导了稳定性条件,参数确定方法等,并对几种典型的冲击动力学问题进行了三维数值模拟,模拟结果与实验有较好的一致性。在深入研究复杂结构和非均质材料冲击响应和破坏机理的过程中,往往遇到多尺度计算问题。本文设想将离散元方法与有限元相结合,采用离散元对感兴趣的局部进行细观尺度的模拟,利用有限元进行宏观的模拟,采用一种特殊的过渡层使离散元区和有限元区能很好的衔接,从而节约计算时间。本文还将提出几个存在问题供探讨。






    Email: zptang@ustc.edu.cn

    题 目:ITASCA非连续力学数值方法和工程应用的最新进展


    提 要:























    国内联系地址:武汉大学水电学院 联系人:荣冠(博士)、王涛(博士)

    电话:(027)6877-6121 email: peterzhu@onlink.net

    题 目:填隙幂律流体下湿颗粒间作用的离散元模型


    提 要:










    题 目:地质体结构面的刚度、强度以及CDEM计算方法


    提 要:






    6、基于连续介质力学的离散元方法(CDEM)(Continuum_based Distinct Element Method)




    李世海,1982年毕业于河北工业大学物理专业获物理学理学学士,1984年毕业于天津大学力学系获硕士学位。1991年毕业于中国科学院力学研究所,获博士学位。现任中国科学院力学研究所研究员、爆炸与岩土力学责任研究员。长期从事工程力学研究,注重应用力学与工程实际相结合。曾主持多项大型工程中的关键力学问题研究主要工作包括:爆炸方法加密饱和松散技术及其工程应用研究;三峡二期围堰风化砂密度校核实验与理论研究;三峡三期围堰爆破拆除方案设计与研究;近期的主要研究方向是地质工程中的关键力学问题研究,现任中国科学院重要研究方向《山体滑坡防治中的关键力学问题研究》首席科学家,中国岩石力学与工程学会理事、中国爆破工程协会理事、中国岩石力学与工程学会物理与数值模拟专业委员会副主任委员;中国振动学会土动力学专业委员会委员;中国力学学会爆破专业委员会委员;国家973项目《灾害环境下重大工程安全性的基础研究》专家组成员;International Journal of Computational Methods (IJCM) 编委;《中国地质灾害与防治学报》常务编委;《岩土工程学报》编委;《岩石力学与工程学报》编委;《兵工学报》编委;《地质灾害与环境保护》编委;主要从事灾害环境下重大工程的安全性、地质体力学特性定量化描述方法、滑坡灾害防治中的关键力学问题、连续与非连续介质的计算方法等方面的研究;所带领的滑坡项目组在深入开展理论和实验研究的基础上,提出了我国滑坡灾害防治新的技术路线。拥有国家发明专利5项;CDEC (Continmum-baced Distinct Element Code) 和 BPEC(Block Particle Element Code)软件的发明人。




    9:00-10:00 主讲人:Wilson H Tang教授,香港科技大学土木系

    题 目:针对边坡有效管理的可靠度模拟

    (Performance Based Modelling of Slope Reliability for Effective Slope Management)

    10:00-10:20 休息

    10:20-11:05 主讲人:张利民教授,香港科技大学土木系

    题 目:功能极限状态设计中的地基基础概率容许位移

    (Probabilistic Limiting Tolerable Displacements for Serviceability Limit State Design of Foundations)

    11:05-11:15 休息

    11:15-12:00 主讲人:张利民教授,香港科技大学土木系

    题 目:可靠度框架下的基础工程风险管理

    (Risk Management in Foundation Engineering in the Framework of Reliability-Based Design)


    2:00—2:30 主讲人:王建锋,中国科学院力学研究所

    题 目:岩土工程中的Bayes方法

    2:30—5:00 岩土工程可靠度讨论

    题 目:针对边坡有效管理的可靠度模拟(Performance Based Modelling of Slope Reliability for Effective Slope Management)

    主讲人:Wilson H Tang教授,香港科技大学土木系

    提 要:




    Like many other places with a hilly terrain, Hong Kong has been subjected to threats of landslides when heavy rainstorms occur. The safety of man-made cut slopes in urban area is a major concern. The effect of deterioration on the reliability of slopes of various periods of service, however, has seldom been considered explicitly in the current reliability approach in slope engineering. Constant annual failure probabilities that are commonly used in practice to evaluate reliability of a slope over a given expected service period may not be capable of capturing the deteriorating characteristics of slopes. This presentation will describe a procedure to model probabilistically the deteriorating effect on the failure probability with time. Past performance of an extensive set of cut slopes in Hong Kong is systematically analyzed to evaluate the stability failure probabilities for slopes of different ages and for different expected service periods. Through this exercise, the reliability of slopes of different ages in different future service periods could reasonably be predicted. The results would be very useful for planning of maintenance and retrofitting works to the thousands of remaining old slopes in Hong Kong, and for comparing performance of slopes designed on different standards.

    While the previous probability would serve a global estimate of slope reliability to assist landslide hazard management by the government planners, a more accurate site-specific failure probability would be needed for an individual project. In this case, a formal reliability analysis is usually conducted with the benefit of the additional site-specific data to provide a more accurate estimate of the reliability index. However, the corresponding failure probability would still be limited by the deterministic and probabilistic model assumed, which may not necessarily represent the state of nature such as the deteriorating effect. Observed performances could again provide valuable information to calibrate this calculated probability for the model error that may have been accrued. Through a Bayesian procedure, performance records and effect of system deterioration and other unaccounted for factors can be systematically incorporated to convert the calculated reliability index of a given slope to an estimate of the real probability of failure.

    This probability will correct for the under or over conservatism of the true probability by the calculated reliability index. At the same time, the previous global estimate of failure probability can serve as additional prior information to yield the overall calibrated probability. A procedure is further introduced to assess the uncertainty associated with the calibrated probability, resulting from various factors including the assumed probabilistic models and the availability of performance records for calibration. Through this formulation, the reliability estimate of a given slope (of similar type and under similar environmental condition) and its associated confidence range can be realistically assessed to provide inputs for a more defensible decision regarding slope improvement and landslide hazard management.


    Professor Wilson Tang graduated obtained BS and MS degrees from M.I.T. and Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1969. He subsequently began his academic career at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and became Professor of Civil Engineering in 1980 and Associate Head of the Department in 1989. During his sabbatical leaves, Professor Tang has served as Visiting Professor at National Singapore University and Guggenheim Fellow at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute and Imperial College in London. Professor Tang returned to Hong Kong and Headed the Department of Civil Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) from 1996 to 2001. The faculty in the department has brought in and developed advanced technologies that have impact major infrastructure projects in Hong Kong and the region.

    Professor Tang is well known for his work in the general area of risk, reliability and decision analysis. He has led many research projects in developing reliability methodologies to geotechnical, offshore, structural, transportation and other engineering. His recent research projects sponsored by the Research Grant Commission of Hong Kong focus on the use of reliability methods to integrate field and centrifuge test results for optimal design of deep pile foundations and soil nail systems in loose fill slopes. Professor Tang has been serving as consultant to various industrial and governmental agencies worldwide on risk, reliability and statistical studies with applications especially to geotechnical problems such as in offshore foundations and landslide mitigation. Besides conducting various short courses on reliability methodologies, he was an invited keynote lecturer and lecturer at many national and international conferences and companies. Professor Tang is a registered Professional Engineer and Structural Engineer in Illinois (USA) and Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Engineers.

    He was a member of the Geotechnical Board at the US National Academy of Sciences and chaired the NRC committee on reliability methods for risk mitigation in geotechnical engineering. He is a fellow of ASCE. He has chaired and vice-chaired technical committees in ASCE and ISSMGE. He is a member of the Executive Board of International Association of Structural Safety and Reliability as well as editorial board member of Structural Safety and several other international journals. In Hong Kong, Professor Tang has served on two high-level advisory committees to the Hong Kong SAR Government, namely the Land and Building Advisory Committee and Transport Advisory Committee. Lastly, Professor Tang was a founding member and Past President of the Hong Kong Section of ASCE.

    Professor Tang published over 180 technical publications; including two widely used texts on probability concepts in engineering planning and designs, which already had several translations. Among his awards include the Guggenheim Fellow, UIUC Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Instruction, the ASCE State-of-the-Art Award, and T.K. Hsieh Award from Institute of Civil Engineers in UK for his contributions to the field of geotechnical reliability. In recognition of his accomplishments in the reliability-based design of offshore structures, Professor Tang has been elected to the Offshore Energy Center’s Hall of Fame. He was also awarded Honorary Professor in two universities in China. He was recently elected as honorary member of ASCE.

    题 目:功能极限状态设计中的地基基础概率容许位移(Probabilistic Limiting Tolerable Displacements for Serviceability Limit State Design of Foundations)


    提 要:


    The design of a geotechnical work should satisfy both the ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state requirements. The limit-state design approach addresses various performance requirements and aims to accommodate uncertainties. Presently, most limit-state design codes use reliability principles for designing for ultimate limit states. However, serviceability limit states are often considered using the conventional deterministic approach. In this talk, a reliability-based displacement criterion for serviceability considerations is introduced and probability distributions of the limiting tolerable displacements of structures are described. The displacement criterion is analogous to that for the ultimate limits for harmonisation purposes. It considers uncertainties in both estimated displacements under expected service loads and the limiting tolerable displacements.

    To formulate appropriate probability distributions of the limiting tolerable displacements, observed displacements and performance of over 400 bridges and 300 buildings are investigated. The probabilistic distributions of the limiting tolerable settlement and angular distortion for each type of the structures studied are then established by the use of fragility curves. With the establishment of the reliability-based displacement criterion and the probability distributions of the limiting tolerable displacements, the philosophies of limit-state design for both ultimate limits and serviceability limits would become more consistent.

    题 目:可靠度框架下的基础工程风险管理(Risk Management in Foundation Engineering in the Framework of Reliability-Based Design)


    提 要:


    An attempt is made to lay a reliability-based framework for risk management in foundation engineering. First, uncertainties involved in foundation design and construction are described and organized to facilitate risk management. Then, safety levels associated with two common design approaches, i.e., the allowable stress design approach and the reliability-based design approach are examined. The principle of using the Bayesian approach for uncertainty reduction and risk management is described and illustrated. Subsequently, a risk management plan is depicted, which is targeted at effectively managing risks throughout the life cycle of a foundation. Finally, the value of research and development in the framework of reliability-based design is discussed.


    Dr. Zhang is currently an assistant professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). He received his Ph.D degree in Geotechnical Engineering in 1989 from Sichuan University. Subsequently, he taught at the university for six years and was promoted to the rank of full professor in 1994. He then spent a half year in Karlsruhe University, Germany, and three years in the University of Florida, USA, as a post doctoral research associate before joining HKUST in 2000.

    Dr. Zhang’s research areas include deep foundations, quality assurance, embankments and slopes, natural disasters reduction, and geotechnical risk and reliability. He is actively investigating the safety of critical infrastructures under extreme events. He is also exploring an integrated approach for identification and management of risks during the design, construction and operation stages of a civil engineering project. He has published over 130 technical papers.

    Dr. Zhang serves in the Risk Assessment and Management Committee of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Technical Committees TC18 (Deep foundations) and TC23 (Limit State Design in Geotechnical Engineering) of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, and several other professional bodies.

    题 目:岩土工程中的Bayes方法


    提 要:





    王建锋,中国科学院力学研究所副研究员。1997年在中国地质大学(武汉)获得工学博士学位。从1987年至1997年,他在该校任讲师、副教授,主讲工程地质学课程。1997-1999年,他在中国科学院非线性力学国家重点实验室做博士后研究,主要从事滑坡力学过程研究。2000年,他花费一年时间,在香港科技大学土木系访问,师从国际结构可靠度领域著名学者Wilson H Tang教授,学习岩土工程概率可靠度理论。他先后获得过中国地质学会颁发的“银锤奖”,中国地质大学“教学优秀奖”,“中科院-王宽城博士后奖励基金”等奖励;主持过和参加过若干与滑坡研究有关的重要课题研究;目前,他还广泛参与国际交流与合作,被韩国金乌工科大学聘为Adjunct Professor。他发表有70余篇论文。近年,他专注地学与力学、概率的结合研究。
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